Come to the first debate between Journalists and Communications Consultants of the Financial Sector

Rosa Del Blanco Fernández

Communication Consultants of the Financial Sector

From the creators of #notasdeprensadelirantes comes the event of the year #comunicaciondelirante: Journalists and Communications Consultants of the Financial Sector all under one roof.

You already know that the Financial Sector Communications Consultants at Silvia Albert love to debate daily with Financial Journalists regarding the good and bad practices in our respective sectors. From this sprung #notasdeprensadelirantes on Twitter, which we have spoken about on a number of occasions.

Now, there is going to be a sector gathering between Journalists and Communications Professionals from the Financial Sector, which will take place at 11am on the 13th April 2016 in the auditorium of Banco Sabadell in Madrid (C/Serrano, 71).

The objective of this gathering is not to pontificate – a manual on good practices already exists – it is to give professionals from both sides the opportunity to say everything they want to say. It will be a dynamic and open debate amongst the attendants, or like a match in the boxing ring, you never know. The following will participate in this discussion:

Eduardo Segovia, editor of El Confidencial, who will offer his point of view as a Financial Journalist for an online media outlet @SegoviaEduardo

Gabriel Martínez, Head of External Communication and Corporative Brand, who will offer his viewpoint as a Dircom of a Financial Bank @marctinez3

Miguel M. Mendieta, editor of Cinco Días, who will offer his viewpoint as a Financial Journalist of a financial daily paper @mmmendieta

Rosa Matias, Head of Wellcomm, the talent headhunter in the Communications Sector, who will talk about journalists who have gone over to the dark side @_RosaMatias_

Rosa del Blanco, Head of the Financial Section at Silvia Albert in company, who will offer her viewpoint as a Financial Communications Consultant @rdelblanco

The crème de la crème of the Financial Press, Directors of Communications of the Financial Sector and Professionals from some of the best Communication Agencies in the country will be in attendance. If you are interested in attending, click on this link to get your free entry now. There is limited capacity.

Finally, like the icing on top of the cake, a prize will be handed out to the best #notasdeprensadelirantes of the year, which have been sent to the editorial offices of financial journalists. You can send your entries through Twitter, making sure to include the title of the press release next to the hashtag (#notasdeprensadelirantes).

Journalists and Communication Consultants of the world, leave the editing room or the office and jazz it up, share your experiences, and above all, ‘put yourself in the other person´s shoes.’

It´s up to you!


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